A Regional Guide to Filipino Cuisine and Where to Find It

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Filipino Boodle Fight | © ARTRAN / Shutterstock
Katrina Escalona

Though a relatively young nation, the Philippines’ history is very rich. With several colonizers docking and departing its shores, a diverse array of foreign culture and influences have been left behind. This is why the archipelagic country is constantly being described as “a melting pot of cultures.” And, as the Philippines is a massive food-loving nation, this characteristic was naturally carried over and into its cooking pots. With the regions of pre-colonial Philippines having had their own distinct culinary methods even before the arrival of outsiders, and with the various influencers dropping in through the centuries that followed, traditional regional dishes have evolved into the contemporary plates Filipinos know (and are known for) today. Here’s a guide to the culinary must-tries from different parts of the country and the best places to have them.

Cebu: Lechon

Any Filipino fiesta would not be complete without a glistening, deep red, wholly roasted pig laid at the center of the feast. This iconic Filipino “dish” is known as lechon. Ever-present at grand Filipino celebrations, this lip-smacking treat is a cause for celebration in itself. And the province of Cebu in the Central Visayan Region is nationally recognized as the best place to have it. A great place to give it a try, a local favorite, and the proud pioneer of “spicy lechon,” is Rico’s Lechon. Perfectly crispy skin and meat bursting with flavor, their lechon is easily one of the country’s best.

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Gorgeous Guatemala

5 days . Mini
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1. Guatemala

An express adventure for those with limited time off. Prepare yourself incredible experiences. You will hike a volcano, visit mayan temples and witness a ceremony and take in beautiful colonial Antigua.


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Beachy Belize

5 days . Mini
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2. Belize

A quick trip not too far away for those seeking a relaxing mini break. You will have plenty of free time to relax but also some awesome activities to experience the rainforest and the caribbean sea.
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Colonial Mexico

5 days . Mini
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3. Mexico

An exciting mini trip exploring the lesser known colonial towns of central Mexico. This is hte perfect trip for someone with limited time off and still wants to turn on explorer mode and do something different.
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Adventurous Ecuador

8 days . Epic
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1. Ecuador

A remarkable 8 days adventure through the Andes and the Amazon rainforest. The best choice for adventure seekers wishing to visit the 2 most iconic areas of South America, in only 1 week and no flights.


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Ancient Peru

9 days . Epic
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2. Peru

An alternative itinerary to classic Peru, from Cusco to Arequipa. This itinerary is great combination of highlights Cusco and Machu Picchu with the lesser known Arequipa and Colca Canyon.
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Seductive Southern Italy

10 days . Epic
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1. Italy

The ultimate Italian experience from the vibrant streets of Naples to the breathtaking sceneries of the Amalfi Coast followed by Matera and down to Puglia with its golden beaches, intense flavours and fascinating destinations.


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Edinburgh And The Scottish Highlands By Train

7 days . Culture
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2. Scotland

Embark on this great adventure starting from London all the way to Scotland with a true Scottish experience made of breathtaking sceneries, whisky tasting and ..lots of fun! Ideal for train lovers and explorers.
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Complete Portugal By Train

8 days . Culture
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3. Portugal

A wonderful train journey around Portugal, from the romantic city of Porto to the Douro Valley, to the beautiful Aveiro all the way to Lisbon and Sintra. The perfect trip to train, culinary and culture lovers.
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Soulful South Korea

10 days . Epic
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1. South Korea

Discover incredible temples, mountains and modern cities on this 10 day adventure. This trip is perfect for those seeking immersion in the cuisine, culture and natural wonders of South Korea.


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Thailand, Cambodia & Vietnam

11 days . Epic
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2. Thailand

From Bankgok to Angkor Wat to Ho Chi Minh City and everything in between - adventure through the heart of South-East Asia. Taste the delights, see history brought to life and unwind on a Mekong River cruise.
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Secrets Of Sri Lanka By Train

10 days . Culture
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3. Sri Lanka

A fantastic adventure that showcases Sri Lanka's fantastic landscapes, wildlife and flavours. With 3 epic rail journeys, 3 UNESCO heritage sites and time to relax, this trip has loads to offer at a great price
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Epic Morocco

11 days . Epic
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1. Morocco

An epic journey across Morocco: from Casablanca to Marrakech, through the blue city of Chefchaouen to the wonders of the desert and deep to the High Atlas Mountains - this trip has it all! Ideal for true explorers!


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Ultimate Egypt

9 days . Epic
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2. Egypt

From Cairo to Aswan, this trip brings the land of the pharaohs to life. You'll visit the Pyramids, Valley of the Kings and Luxor Temple and cruise down the Nile in style. This is the perfect way to explore Egypt.
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Immersive Kenya

8 days . Epic
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3. Kenya

An immersive blend of culture and wildlife for first time travelers to Africa. Learn about Nairobi, sample local coffee in the Aberdares and finish up with a fantastic safari stay in the Masai Mara.
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Locations and Phone Numbers:

Unit 3 & 4 Mactan Promenadae, Airport Road, Ibo, Lapu-Lapu City, +(032) 231-5580

The Ridges Commercial Bldg. F. Cabahug Street, Panagdait, Cebu City, +(032) 260-2443

Unit E15 and E16 Axis Entertainment Avenue, Vibo Place N. Escario St. Cebu City, 6000, +(032) 233-4144


Pampanga: Sisig

Though the idea of chopped up pig’s face served on a sizzling hot plate might sound bizarre to many, to Filipinos, it’s the perfect complement to a cold bottle of beer. This reinvented way of making sisig is said to have begun in a humble eatery by railroad tracks in the province of Pampanga, in the Central Luzon Region. Lucia Cunanan is credited for this culinary breakthrough over 40 years ago, but many have followed in her steps, adding their own signature touches to the famous dish. One tastily crispy variation is served at Mila’s Tokwa’t Baboy. Simple and unpretentious, this almost 30-year-old establishment allows its food to prove why they’re one of the best.

Location and Phone Number:

Brgy. San Angelo, San Andres St, Angeles, Pampanga, +(045) 888 6727


Ilocos: Bagnet

Many Filipino culinary favorites hail from the north, in the region of Ilocos. There’s Ilocos empanada, longganisa, and pinakbet, but one of the most scrumptious is their bagnet. This sinful dish is essentially pork belly, deep fried to crispy perfection. If it isn’t already obvious by now, yes, Filipinos really love their pork. Herencia Cafe in Paoay, Ilocos Norte, serves the best of traditional Ilocano cooking, including bagnet. However, they’re especially famous for creating the original “pinakbet pizza” along with other unconventional pizza flavors.

Location and Phone Number:

McArthur Street, Barangay 14, Sangladan, Paoay, Ilocos Norte, +(077) 614 0214


Bacolod: Inasal

The city of Bacolod in the Negros Island Region is always associated with Chicken Inasal (grilled chicken). One, because it is where inasal originated, and two, because even after the dish’s rise to nationwide popularity, they’re still the only ones who’ve perfected the tricks of the trade. This juicy and exceptionally tasty variant of grilled chicken is marinated in a vinegar calamansi (local lime) mixture as opposed to the usual soy sauce marinade. It is then cooked over a charcoal grill and served on a stick. Many recognize Aida’s Manokanas the best place in Bacolod City for a delicious plate of authentic chicken inasal.

Locations and Phone Numbers:

Manokan Country, Fr. M. Ferrero St. cor Rizal St., Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, +(034) 434 0603

Chicken Inasal

Bicol: Laing

From the Bicol Region hails the Philippines’ spiciest dishes. Bicolanos’ taste buds appreciate a nice strong kick, hence chili in almost everything (even ice cream!). Bicolanos are also very fond of using gata (coconut milk) in their food for the sheer abundance of coconut trees in the region. One of their most famous dishes, which has spread across the country and many Filipinos now love, is laing. Laing is basically sun-dried taro leaves cooked slowly in coconut milk and served with chili pepper. For a taste of this spicy, creamy goodness, drop by Bob Marlin in Naga City. Once there, don’t miss out on their famous crispy pata either (they rightfully claim to having one of the best recipes in the country!).

Location and Phone Number:

Magsaysay Avenue, Naga City, Camarines Sur, +(054) 473-1339

Zamboanga: Curacha

Locally known as curacha (spanner crab), this deep sea crab completes every traveler’s visit to the Zamboanga Peninsula. And nearly as iconic is the version of Alavar Seafood Restaurant in Zamboanga Sibugay, where the mighty crab is covered in a special sauce that is so well-loved, the restaurant began selling it in packs for customers to take home.

Location and Phone Number:

Don Alfaro St, Zamboanga, 7000 Zamboanga Sibugay, +(062) 991 2483

Steamed Spanner Crabs

Batangas: Bulalo

Just a few hours drive from Metro Manila is the province of Batangas. This province, nested in the country’s Calabarzon region, has long been known for its tasty bulalo (beef bone marrow soup). This extremely flavorful soup is slow-cooked until the beef is fall-off-the-bone tender. Enjoying this dish is an experience, its highlight being poking the marrow out of the bone or, even better, slurping it out. It’s the ultimate Filipino bowl of comfort on a cool, rainy day. Head to Rose & Grace Restaurant for a nice hearty serving of the dish they’ve perfected, with over 40 years of service.

Location and Phone Number:

Pan-Philippine Hwy, Poblacion 1, Santo Tomas, 4234 Batangas, +(043) 778 1052

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