The Best Burger Joints in Athens, Greece

Decadent burgers from Hot Hot Burgers Bar
Decadent burgers from Hot Hot Burgers Bar | © Hot Hot Burgers Bar
Ethel Dilouambaka

From curing a hangover to simply satisfying your taste buds, burgers are one of the most gratifying meals you can have. And thankfully, there is no need to head to the giant fast-food chains to grab a burger because Athens has plenty of restaurants serving their delicious versions, made with fresh ingredients. Here are the top burger places in the Greek capital.

Mama Roux

Restaurant, North American

Mama Roux
© Mama Roux
A cool restaurant serving global, ethnic cuisine in the center of Athens, Mama Roux is a place that you should keep in mind when searching for burgers. The 50-50 burger features a lamb and beef patty, while the Blackened Chicken consists of a blackened chicken fillet with Creole mayo and barbecue sauce. However, if you see something else on the menu, then go ahead and order it—you can’t go wrong.

The Big Kahuna

Restaurant, Caribbean, Street Food, Central American, South American

The Big Kahuna in Metaxourgio
© The Big Kahuna

Located in Metaxourgeio, The Big Kahuna is one of the hottest burger joints in the city. The options on the menu are plentiful, appealing and mouthwatering. You will find a selection of tasty options, including the 65 Napkins, which is a befitting name. As for the décor, The Big Kahuna does Hawaiian chic so well, with its tropical vibes and surfboards, that you will feel like you are elsewhere. Finally, pair your burger with one of the cocktails prepared by the bartenders at the tiki bar. Seriously, eating at The Big Kahuna is a refreshing experience.


Restaurant, North American

© Bar-Bee-Kiou

With outposts in Piraeus and Nea Smyrni, Bar-Bee-Kiou is a favorite among Athenians. It even won first prize at the Athens Burger Festival, and its burgers are hyper-popular on social media. With huge burgers, Bar-Bee-Kiou is where clients can enjoy testing their abilities—the biggest burger available is usually free if the diner manages to finish it. Do you want to test your stomach’s strength? Head straight to Bar-Bee-Kiou.

Hot Hot Burgers Bar

Restaurant, Fast Food

This small joint serves burgers from morning until late in the night (don’t be surprised if you sit next to clubbers), making it a great place to sate late-night cravings. The menu features delicious burgers starting at 2.99 euros and includes salad and fries. Hot Hot Burgers Bar has several outposts in the city, including on Kolokotroni Street, Glyfada and Nea Smyrni.


Restaurant, Coffee Shop, Dessert

the Berliner
© Berliner

Located in Iraklio, Berliner may not be the easiest place to reach with public transport, but it is well worth the journey. You will be rewarded with a series of burger options, including a tasty one that sees a burger sandwiched between two waffles. The joint also serves a mean brunch and decadent desserts. What more do you need?

The Burger Joint

Restaurant, Fast Food

The Burger Joint, Athens
© The Burger Joint
The Burger Joint is an all-time favorite—a laid-back place to hang out with friends or family. It serves yummy burgers in soft buns and crisp fries. The Burger Joint also goes seasonal during the year with limited edition burgers for the holidays. If you are not in the mood for burgers, The Burger Joint also offers pizzas, salads, milkshakes, cocktails and even desserts.

New York Sandwiches

Restaurant, North American

For any Athenian, New York Sandwiches hardly needs an introduction. One of the first places to introduce the concept of brunch to the Greek masses, NYS is famous for its mouthwatering burgers and sandwiches. In addition to choices such as the pastrami burger or the mushroom and swiss burger, NYS also serves an egg benedict burger during brunch.

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