Why Right Now Is the Time to Visit Puerto Rico

Postcard-worthy playa in Puerto Rico
Postcard-worthy playa in Puerto Rico | © Angel Xavier Viera-Vargas/Flickr | | © Angel Xavier Viera-Vargas/Flickr
Jenn Parker

Despite the serious challenges from Hurricane Maria, the resilient people of Puerto Rico have made major recovery efforts since the 2017 storm—especially when it comes to tourism. Since the island has always relied heavily on tourist dollars, they’ve focused attention on returning these operations to normal. And the simple act of visiting the tropical Caribbean paradise is even more helpful than you might initially think. On top of helping out, there is really no better time than the present to plan a vacation there. Here’s why.

What’s the draw to Puerto Rico?

Puerto Rico is a top travel destination for those seeking a Caribbean-style getaway. The island is famous for its turquoise crystal-clear water, exquisite beaches, beautiful forests and national parks, vibrant culture, flavor-bursting cuisine, intoxicating nightlife, quaint towns, and charming hotels, among many other aspects. The tourism industry is a major component of Puerto Rico’s economy and the industry did very well prior to the hurricane.

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Gorgeous Guatemala

5 days . Mini
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1. Guatemala

An express adventure for those with limited time off. Prepare yourself incredible experiences. You will hike a volcano, visit mayan temples and witness a ceremony and take in beautiful colonial Antigua.


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Beachy Belize

5 days . Mini
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2. Belize

A quick trip not too far away for those seeking a relaxing mini break. You will have plenty of free time to relax but also some awesome activities to experience the rainforest and the caribbean sea.
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Colonial Mexico

5 days . Mini
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3. Mexico

An exciting mini trip exploring the lesser known colonial towns of central Mexico. This is hte perfect trip for someone with limited time off and still wants to turn on explorer mode and do something different.
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Adventurous Ecuador

8 days . Epic
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1. Ecuador

A remarkable 8 days adventure through the Andes and the Amazon rainforest. The best choice for adventure seekers wishing to visit the 2 most iconic areas of South America, in only 1 week and no flights.


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Ancient Peru

9 days . Epic
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2. Peru

An alternative itinerary to classic Peru, from Cusco to Arequipa. This itinerary is great combination of highlights Cusco and Machu Picchu with the lesser known Arequipa and Colca Canyon.
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Seductive Southern Italy

10 days . Epic
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1. Italy

The ultimate Italian experience from the vibrant streets of Naples to the breathtaking sceneries of the Amalfi Coast followed by Matera and down to Puglia with its golden beaches, intense flavours and fascinating destinations.


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Edinburgh And The Scottish Highlands By Train

7 days . Culture
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2. Scotland

Embark on this great adventure starting from London all the way to Scotland with a true Scottish experience made of breathtaking sceneries, whisky tasting and ..lots of fun! Ideal for train lovers and explorers.
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Complete Portugal By Train

8 days . Culture
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3. Portugal

A wonderful train journey around Portugal, from the romantic city of Porto to the Douro Valley, to the beautiful Aveiro all the way to Lisbon and Sintra. The perfect trip to train, culinary and culture lovers.
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Soulful South Korea

10 days . Epic
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1. South Korea

Discover incredible temples, mountains and modern cities on this 10 day adventure. This trip is perfect for those seeking immersion in the cuisine, culture and natural wonders of South Korea.


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Thailand, Cambodia & Vietnam

11 days . Epic
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2. Thailand

From Bankgok to Angkor Wat to Ho Chi Minh City and everything in between - adventure through the heart of South-East Asia. Taste the delights, see history brought to life and unwind on a Mekong River cruise.
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Secrets Of Sri Lanka By Train

10 days . Culture
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3. Sri Lanka

A fantastic adventure that showcases Sri Lanka's fantastic landscapes, wildlife and flavours. With 3 epic rail journeys, 3 UNESCO heritage sites and time to relax, this trip has loads to offer at a great price
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Epic Morocco

11 days . Epic
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1. Morocco

An epic journey across Morocco: from Casablanca to Marrakech, through the blue city of Chefchaouen to the wonders of the desert and deep to the High Atlas Mountains - this trip has it all! Ideal for true explorers!


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Ultimate Egypt

9 days . Epic
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2. Egypt

From Cairo to Aswan, this trip brings the land of the pharaohs to life. You'll visit the Pyramids, Valley of the Kings and Luxor Temple and cruise down the Nile in style. This is the perfect way to explore Egypt.
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Immersive Kenya

8 days . Epic
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3. Kenya

An immersive blend of culture and wildlife for first time travelers to Africa. Learn about Nairobi, sample local coffee in the Aberdares and finish up with a fantastic safari stay in the Masai Mara.
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So tropical and dreamy

What’s Puerto Rico like today?

While the people of Puerto Rico suffered immensely during the months that followed the storm of the century, today Puerto Rico has made a significant and admirable comeback. That’s not to say that the devastation has been completely resolved; unfortunately, there are still individuals (especially in more rural parts of the country) whose lives are still in a dismal state due to lack of home repair, community infrastructure, basic necessities, and employment opportunities. However, the Puerto Rican people are resilient and have come together to not only rebuild their own lives but to rebuild the country.

Most of the major touristy areas in Puerto Rico are cleaned up, repaired, and fully ready to welcome visitors. Some places are even better than before, as many businesses used the damage from the storm as an opportunity to make improvements and updates to their establishments.

As of May, according to the Puerto Rican government, 95.2% of the island has electricity, telecommunications are 99% functional, 98% of the population has running water, 130 out of the 146 hotels are open, more than 1,885 restaurants are open, 16 out of the 17 casinos are open, and 184 tourist attractions are ready for visitors, as well as 13 golf courses.

Old San Juan is as colorful as ever

What makes now so great?

All of Puerto Rico’s major airports are fully operational and many flights, from both major and budget airlines, are especially cheap right now. U.S. citizens don’t need a passport to enter or exit Puerto Rico and its relatively close proximity to the United States mainland makes traveling between those two locations quite a breeze. And, because negative media portrayals have scared away the less-savvy tourists who aren’t aware of the improvements, a lot of the popular tourist attractions and destinations are significantly less busy at the moment.

Puerto Ricans involved in the service and or tourism industry greatly depend on visitors for their livelihood and as a collective group have worked incredibly hard to clean up their towns and reopen their businesses. The work that has been done is remarkable. Puerto Rico is truly open for business and in some cases, better than ever.

Visiting Puerto Rico is one of the most impactful ways to help Puerto Rico. The money that you spend while traveling will only further aid the complete repair of the country, as well as help the people who experienced unimaginable trauma and loss, to regain their sense of normalcy and happy flow of life.

There’s so much to see and do in Puerto Rico

Ethical things you can do to help

Aside from just spending time in Puerto Rico and supporting the local economy, there are still other ways that you can help the people and communities who are still suffering from the storm. While a significant portion of the country has electricity and running water, there are still rural communities that do not. There are also families who lost everything in the wake of the storm and are struggling to recover their lives and possessions.

Two ethical ways to lend a helping hand are through monetary and supply donations. Keep in mind that a little quick research of organizations beforehand goes a long way to ensure your donations are truly helpful. GoFundMe has compiled a list of non-profit organizations who are trying to help those still in need.

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